Dr. Selvyn M Sewell

A good book. It’s about time someone came forward and expose the hypocrisy that lives with us. Thanks Dr Downer. I see one problem though, and that is how do we get the pastors to read the book? Solutions. Church members should give it to their pastors as a gift. Great gift for October…Clergy’s Month. Bless you, be the voice crying out in the Church wilderness.  

Lonnell Pritchett L.P. Ministries

In the 1500s Martin Luther posted to the church doors the 95 Theses, a call for reform, and sparked the Protestant Reformation. Now in 2009, Dr. Rosemarie Downer, has released a relevant, passionate cry for reform to Sabbath-keeping churches everywhere. If you have an ear to hear, please listen to the clarion call of the Father through the person of Dr. Downer.

Rachel Carter

In the fullness of times God has anointed individuals to remind His people of who He is and His will for them, so that we can obtain the strength to overcome the pitfalls of stagnancy. Dr. Downer has identified how the enemy blinds and hinders us from walking in the fullness of His resurrected power. With God-given boldness and courage, she has taken the cover off and released the knowledge that can cause the Church to arise and shine in a greater measure in these last days.

Elder Raymond Robinson, Jr. Clement Grove Church of God Seventh Day President, Menorah Ministries, Inc.

Downer sets forth a tremendous challenge to return to our God in radical obedient faith. Please accept this challenge. God will empower us to take a stand if we allow Him. Thank you Rosemarie for being a humble vessel. 

Hewlette Pearson H.P. Ministries

Take a deep breath. Pause. Now position yourself for a terrific ride you will not soon forget. This thought-provoking, conscience-jarring book lifts up many mirrors through which leaders and lay-members can see themselves. Without fail, Dr. Downer has exposed a sleeping giant and his gremlins and has struck a formidable blow leaving its death up to you, the reader. 


This book sends a probe inside the body of the church to show a picture of the condition and problems of the church and the symptoms behind them that have prevented us from being a healthy vibrant reflection of Christ! A definite must-read for every church leader and even parishioners! 



The Book entitled, “The High Call of Forgiveness – It’s a Mandate,” by Rosemarie Downer, PhD. is a must have for those who are truly seeking Elohim in spirit and in truth. Dr. Downer walks us through the stages and components of forgiveness that are personal, practical, and, most importantly, spiritual. This step-by-step process is essential to salvation and even the most seasoned Christian can learn from Dr. Downer’s personal and biblical knowledge. I love the way Dr. Downer enumerated some of the benefits of forgiveness including how it: enriches our relationship with our heavenly Father and each other, positions us to be used by Elohim, grants us emotional healing thereby making us better instead of bitter, and how it promotes spiritual healing.


The High Call of Forgiveness exposes the strategy of the enemy that has caused too many to believe it is too difficult to forgive. Undeniably, forgiving someone who has wronged us is difficult, but we can, if Christ lives in us. This book will take you on a faith journey that examines the context in which offense occurs, why we hurt others, why it is as difficult for most of us to forgive, how we can forgive, how we can go beyond forgiveness to reconciliation, and how we can obtain emotional healing. You will get permission to hurt but will be gently reminded that hurt must be addressed in a timely manner


This is an eye-opening and honest journey of self-examination. You will ask yourself and find answers to questions like these: What got me here? How can I get past the pain? How is it that I love the Lord and know what the Word of God say about unforgiveness, yet I find it so difficult to obey? This book will change your life!

Amazon Purchaser

I too have been hurt by someone I thought was my friend and even thought I had forgiven this person. However, after reading this book, I realized that I was only displacing my feelings rather than seeking Elohim for true forgiveness. Don’t get me wrong, I truly believed that I had forgiven the individual; but after reading The High Call of Forgiveness – It’s a Mandate, I realized that I was being very superficial. I didn’t realize the fact that I could enumerate every detail was a sign that I was harboring unforgiveness in my heart. This book enlightened me that that was exactly what I was doing. After addressing the questions posed in the book, I immediately repented of this unforgiveness and repeated from my heart the prayers that Dr. Downer provides in the book. 

Effie Gilzeane

One of the best books that I have read in a while. It gets to the core of the issue and provides the tools to assist you in the process, I would definitely recommend it for group study . Love, love thank you for feeding our spirit with good food. 

Maxine Banise

I just received the book and started reading it immediately. It opens one’s eyes to how the enemy of our souls work to trip us up in our Christian walk. The book provides a breakdown of the passages of Scripture dealing with the issues of forgiveness and oneness and how important that is for the Body of Christ to be effective. It was difficult to put the book down once I started reading. 


This is indeed one of the best books I have ever read. Dr. Downer has brought light to dark places when it comes to what it really means to forgive. In a time when I needed a Godly guide in how to be completely healed, forgive the offender, and watch God use it all for His glory here comes “The High Call of Forgiveness”. She reminds us that offense will come but also shows us step by step how to overcome. Sharing her personal experiences shows me that she is writing from her heart and can relate. If you need help on how to be healed, forgive the offender, stay in God no matter how much it hurts I recommend this book to you. While reading I even saw areas in my life where I needed to submit to God so I can be a better person. One of the things I love about this book is the fact that it makes you face the issue head on. The questions at the end of the chapter take you back to the issue so you can address it and move forward. I recommend this book to anyone who is hurting from past or present relationship conflicts. Married, Single, divorce, separated, young, aged, man, woman….. I guarantee this book will address and help you to overcome and be healed. 


Verified Amazon Purchaser

I absolutely love having this learner guide. It allows me to write my thoughts while reading and learning and offers me personal reference points for years after reading the book. I appreciate the opportunity to self-reflect (writing down thoughts and responses to questions) while learning and especially appreciate the Suggested Prayer Points and Reflection & Personal Applications at the end of each unit/chapter. This is a must have!! 

Verified Amazon Purchaser

We have been using “The High Call of Forgiveness, It’s a Mandate” written by Dr Rosemarie Downer in our church for both Sabbath lessons and also for Bible study on Tuesday nights. Both the book and student workbook have definitely been transforming lives as it gives sound biblical reasons why we should forgive. It also allows for greater discussions on Sabbaths and also in Bible studies as we can all relate to the topic whether we are seeking forgiveness or we ourselves needs to forgive. The student workbook is very engaging. It has questions throughout as well as prayer points and also reflections to guide us through so as to allow us to have a more concrete understanding of the areas covered. These are very great books to read. After reading both you will see the need to forgive and even find it easier to forgive as it’s a mandate given by God. 

Verified Amazon Purchaser

This workbook helps to understand the book, The High Call of Forgiveness. It’s a Mandate. Teaches so much about forgiveness that we normally take for granted.


- Pastor Straker

Downer did justice with the subject of Forgiveness: content rich with great illustrations and examples. Student workbook w/ a leader’s guide makes coverage of the material fitting for a small group setting. Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity, and it is something we are often challenged in living it. So, it was very appropriate for the author to take it on and give us such an insight into how and why we need to forgive. It is well worth the reading and sharing.

Wannise Hird

I love having a guide to help me to help others understand the content and context of the book. Having the Leader Guide is very useful…it’s like having Dr. Downer in the room! Love it!! 

Pat Okonta

As a teacher and facilitator for small church group the Leader Guide is very easy to navigate and comprehend. The format that Dr Downer use makes learning opportunities more accessible to the facilitator and the students as well. I love that at the end of each Session it ends with a suggested prayer, reflection and application. After each session you will be impacted greatly. You will be challenged and better equipped in dealing with Forgiveness. Bible references the author’s personal experience and vignettes encourages interactive discussion between the Leader and students. I am usually filled with anticipation to facilitate my group using this book. Each occasion brings me wisdom, transparency and truth. I highly recommend that you purchase it. Your life will be changed.


Ruby B.

When I first heard of this book, I was eager to get a copy. I was attracted to the book because of the word distraction. I was so distracted in my own personal life because of things I was experiencing. What I like about this book is the statement in the introduction “ Ds and Fs Won’t Do will refresh your thinking so that you will come to convincingly know that you cannot settle for or stop at any of these obstacles. I will take you through a timely discourse that exposes the nature and source of each obstacle, show you how we can turn these obstacles into opportunities, and explain how you can use the Word of God to overcome them.” I also liked Dr. Rosemarie Downer clarity and confidence in writing this book. Please get a copy and read during your devotional session or any other times. 


I would recommend this book to any Christian; it offers clarity and guidance on the four Ds and three Fs. The content is very well organized, penetrates deep and makes clear the instances when we unknowingly create room for the devil. The book also contains many examples and stories that one can relate to, Chapters 4 and 12 are most satisfying. I have experienced a profound impact in my thinking regarding the four Ds and three Fs, and lasting knowledge on how to secure deliverance. Having read the last page, I am ready to start back again, certain that I will gain even more insights upon rereading. 


Al P.

Over time, many of us have defined “Church” as a place where those ‘religious people’ go, a weekend experience, or simply a perfunctory activity of the “believer”. As noted in the contents of this book, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the true nature of each of our personal fellowship with both Jesus and God-the Father. It brings conviction and causes one to really consider where they truly are in their awareness of being “one with Christ”. We live in a society (and especially the western culture) that enjoys the idolization of a person/charisma over character only to be disappointed when there is a deduction to their character. It also seems that whenever it’s a believer that falls into one of those traps, we then tend to blame God, Christians, or the Church. However, this book brings to light what the “True Focus” and nature of our fellowship should be – God; not people, not the building, not even religion. This book can serve as a “wake up” call for all of us to look in the proverbial mirror to adjust our lives where needed. 

H.Verified Amazon Purchaser

This book sheds light on the importance of having a relationship with God. This book brings an awareness to Christians, to evaluate where we are in our Christian walk with Christ. We should strive to build a relationship with God in and outside of the church building. COVID isolation forced a standstill and provided time for many who were busy to reconnect with God and family, while others slid further away from God due to a lack of a relationship. This book brought to light, how a Christian can be busy doing God’s work and have no intimate relationship with the Savior. As Christians we don’t want to hear “depart from Me, I never knew you”. I want to hear well done, thou good and faithful servant! This book is a great book to my library collection! 


The Covid-19 Test: Church or God? Religion or Relationship? This book allows you to venture away from the traditions of what have been introduced by family members as the gateway to being a Christian to challenging its readers to be accountable for a mind shift to the way that we work out our salvation. Indeed, I am inspired and I confirmed that my relationship with God is built on knowing Christ in terms of knowing his ways, and what His expectations are of me, by communing with him on a daily intimate level from reading this book. If you really want to know how to move from routines to vibrant relationship with Christ that is built on prayer, open communication with God through His Word, I challenge you to read this book in its entirety. 


Clarence Duff

“Leaders Are Like Giraffes” is a compelling and insightful exploration of leadership through a unique lens. In this captivating book, Dr. Rosemarie Downer masterfully draws parallels between the graceful and towering giraffe and the qualities that define exceptional leaders. With a blend of wit, wisdom, and real-world examples, she takes readers on a journey to discover the heights of effective leadership. The book encourages a shift in perspective, urging leaders to embrace their uniqueness and stand tall, just like the giraffe in the savannah. 


Pastor Penelope Griffith

 Dr. Downer pulls the readers in with thought-provoking questions, practical applications, and discussions of scriptures, along with open discussions of sleeping giants in the church and in our lives that many do not want to talk about. She forces the readers to come to a higher level of consciousness in God. Her books are for all believers, all ministry leaders, small groups, women’s ministries, book clubs, and family and friends. If you feel lost and disconnected, or in need of reassurance, or guidance in your Christian walk then her books are for you! Her books will help direct you on a healthy spiritual journey to a better you in God.